Zion Methodist Church Boston UK

'We'll Praise Him for all that is past - And trust Him for all that is to come.'

Contact Us

Zion Methodist Church

Church Minister: Reverend Val Ogden Email rev.val.ogden@gmail.com

Tel: 07884413595

Prayer requests: Reverend Val Ogden Email rev.val.ogden@gmail.com

General enquiries: Email: zionmethodistchurch@live.co.uk

Church and hall hire enquiries:  Email zmpschair@gmail.com

Local Church Safeguarding Officer: Irene Cock
Tel: 01205 822899

How to find us

Brothertoft Road, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 8HD MAP link

Boston Methodist Circuit

This is the family of Methodist churches in Boston, with the Circuit Office based at Centenary Church.

Circuit Office: Email centenarymeth@gmail.com

Tel: 01205 355543