Zion Methodist Church Boston UK

'We'll Praise Him for all that is past - And trust Him for all that is to come.'

Welcome to the website of 

Zion Methodist Church!

We're so glad you've found us. 90 years old this year, we look to the future in faith and hope, longing to be 'good news' for ourselves and our neighbours. Do click on the links to see what we get up to week by week and be assured of the warmest welcome at any services and events.

Photographs of our 90th Church Anniversary celebrations

Interested in talking about baptisms, weddings or funerals? Have questions or doubts or complaints about Christian faith and local Churches in this day and age? No problem. Let's talk! We'd love to hear from you. We welcome everyone, just as we are, from all our different life journeys and perspectives as we try to stay rooted in the love of God, the friendship of Jesus and be open to the Holy Spirit's activity in Church and community. Do feel free to contact us through the site or get in touch with me on 07884413595 or rev.val.ogden@gmail.com.

Across the Boston area we have six Methodist Churches linked to an amazing network of others nationally and internationally; about 75 million people worldwide. Click below to find out more about Christian faith with a Methodist flavour. It's all good stuff!


We care deeply about the Brothertoft Road neighbourhood; our residents, schools, shops and all that goes on around here. If we don't already know you, we'd really love to. And we'd love you to be part of the Zion family; not just to 'fit in' with what we already do, but to make us better by bringing your fresh presence, ideas and enthusiasm. We'd love to be a blessing to you. But equally, we're sure you'd be a blessing to us!

Until we meet... in Christian love,


Revd Dr Val Ogden                 Minister: Zion Methodist Church

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