Zion Methodist Church Boston UK

'We'll Praise Him for all that is past - And trust Him for all that is to come.'

Regular Activities

  • Knit and Natter
  • Zumba
  • Badminton
  • 'The Way' Fellowship Group
  • Walking for Health - Boston Community Health Walk

  • Short Mat Bowls
  • Thursday Coffee Morning
  • Meet 'n' Eat Lunch
  • Alcoholics Anonymous
  • C.A.M.E.O



Knit and Knatter              

10am - 12 noon

Just come along and bring your Handicraft.

We are happy to share our crafting skills

Everyone Welcome           (recommended donation - £2)


Every Monday                        

2pm - 3pm

Michelle (07713 353 243)


September to April/May         

7.15pm until you are tired!

£3 per session

Come and Join in

Everyone Welcome (must be 16 or over)


'The Way' Fellowship Group

 Every first and third Tuesday of the month

7.30pm - 9pm


Boston Community Health Walk

Meet at 9.45 am

Depart 10am

Return before 12 noon

Every Wednesday

Short Mat Bowls


Everyone Welcome


Thursday Coffee Morning

Every Week

9.30am - 11.30am

Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate and a friendly chat

Everyone Welcome

Meet 'n' Eat Lunch

3rd Thursday of the month


Come and join us for Lunch

£8 per person

Booking essential

Call in and put your name on the board in the Foyer

or book by email (Sunday before the meal - at the latest)

Everyone Welcome

Alcoholics Anonymous

“Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.”

Is alcohol costing you more than money…if the answer is Yes then please come along to a meeting.

7pm - 8.30pm




Come And Meet Each Other

Every Week

2pm - 4pm

Scrabble ~ Jigsaws ~ Colouring & Puzzles ~ Dominoes ~ Table Games

Time to chat with neighbours and friends ~ Refreshments

For the more active: New Age Kurling ~ Table Tennis ~ Snooker / Pool

Suggested donation £1


Alcoholics Anonymous
“Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.”

Is alcohol costing you more than money…if the answer is Yes then please come along to a meeting.

12noon - 1pm
